Mawlid-un-Nabi 2012

January 13, 2014

Activities in Ireland by Al-Mustafa IECC

2nd Annual Unique Mawlid Peace March has been organised by Al-Mustafa IECC on the occasion of Mawlid un Nabi to express the love for the Holy Prophet (SAW). This Peace march will show the unity and the diversity of the Muslim Community. Flyers on the life of the Prophet (SAW) will be distributed in public. Slogans of Takbir and Risalah will be chanted insha Allah. Islamic Nasheed by Maher Zain will be played on speakers. The march will begin at Al-Mustafa Islamic Cultural Centre. Please Collect at 12pm in the Al-Mustafa IECC. Zuhr Prayer will be performed at 1pm and after Zuhr Prayer March will process to Crown Plaza Hotel to the Conference: “Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Mercy to All Mankind” (For more information about the conference please click here) All are welcome to the Peace March. Brothers and Sisters are all welcome and they will be segregated during the Peace March as per Islamic ruling.



Instructions by Sheikh Umar Al-Qadri on how to spend blessed month of Rabi-ul-Awwal:

The month of Rabi ul Awwal is associated with the birth of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This is a great opportunity for us to revive our relation with our beloved Prophet (SAW) as ummati’s. In order to revive this significant link the Sheikh has instructed all members of Al-Mustafa IECC the following:

  1. Hold daily Halaqah in your homes before dinner with the family. Start the Halaqah with recitation of the Holy Quran and translation of recited verses. Then send Salawat (Greetings and Blessings) upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) collectively at least 100 times. Now parents should read out to the children a story from the Seerah of our Beloved Prophet (SAW) to transfer the love and respect of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Conclude the Halaqah with Duaa to Almighty Allah.
  2. During this month all members should apart of the compulsary Ibaadah, send daily Salawat Alan Nabi (Greetings and Blessings). This should be done as much as possible. Anas ibn Malik narrates that Holy Prophet (SAW) said:“He who reads a single Salawat upon me, Almighty Allah blesses him ten times, ten of his sins are forgiven, and he is increased ten times in stages”
  3. Members of Al-Mustafa IECC should read the biography (Seerah) of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Recommended books are: Shumail Tirmidhi by Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa At-Tirmidhi, Kitab us Shifaa by As-Shaykh Qadi Iyaz (r.a.) and Seerat ur Rasool by Sheikh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. Download ebooks at &
  4. Update your Facebook picture or Twitter Picture with the any picture which expresses your love for the Holy Prophet (SAW). You can download any of the pictures below mawlid_un_nabi2
  5. All are invited to Mawlid gatherings in the houses of members of Al-Mustafa IECC. For schedule and time please see the poster below mawlid_un_nabi3