IMPIC Dublin Community Iftar in the Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre - Islamic Centre Ireland

IMPIC Dublin Community Iftar in the Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre

June 30, 2015


On Friday 26th June a Community Iftar was organised by the Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council in the Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre in which renowned holocaust survivor Tomi Reichental was the guest of honour and representatives from different faiths came together for an Iftar Dinner.

This was a historical event in which a Jewish holocaust survivor celebrated his 80th birthday in a Mosque and participated in the Ramadan fast breaking dinner.

Renowned holocaust survivor Tomi Reichenal said he was delighted at the invitation by Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri and was very touched by the exceptional welcome in the Mosque and will treasure the memorable visit to the Mosque. Tomi Reichental narrated his story as a 10 years old child in the Nazi concentration camp. Tomi Reichental said that he did not speak for 50 years about the suffering of the holocaust. But then he realised that he suffering he went through must be told to future generations. He warned of the danger of history repeating itself if hate, mistrust and misunderstanding gain the upper hand.

Rev Eugene Griffin, Christian priest and and Rev Myozan Kodo, Buddhist monk said that they were delighted to be in the Mosque and share the Iftar breaking dinner with the Muslim Community.

Lynn Jackson from the Holocaust Education Trust Ireland mentioned his Muslims saved Jews in Paris during the 2nd world war and their story must be told to eliminate prejudice and misunderstandings.

Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri, Founder of IMPIC and Imam at the Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre, said that he was delighted that his call to Muslims of reaching out to other communities has been welcomed by Muslims and non Muslims. He said that today’s Iftar displays solidarity between different communities.

Speaking about the terrorist attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France, Shaykh Al-Qadri said “Whilst some people are doing their best to improve relations between Muslims and non-Muslims these awful events have taken place”
Shaykh Al-Qadri condemned the terrorist attacks and said: “I condemn the attacks and it is the responsibility of every Muslim leader and scholar to condemn it. Terrorists are criminals, enemies of humanity, enemies of religion, enemies of morality and the enemies of human values”

“My heart bleeds for all those who have lost loved ones in Kuwait, Tunisia and France.Terrorism should be seen as terrorism no matter who carries it out- regardless of religion, colour or race. All victims of terrorism are the same. Terrorism is terrorism no matter who carries it out.”

Shaykh Al-Qadri said that the majority of victims by the terrorist attacks of ISIS are Muslims. They should therefore be at the forefront of fighting the extremism of ISIS. The war with ISIS should be fought ideologically and theologically.

Shaykh Al-Qadri spoke on love, commonality of mankind and the importance of Peace in this day and age specially. Shaykh said that communities need to come together to remove hatred and prejudice and develop understanding. Only then Peace can be achieved and he hoped that this event will be seen as an important pillar in the bridge between communities.

More than 150 attendees participated in the Community Iftar. Guests arrived from Cork, Belfast, Athlone and Dublin.

Ali Khan from Belfast said he never heard about the holocaust from a holocaust survivor and the talk by Tomi Reichental has opened his eyes about the suffering that took place.

Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council will organise its second Ramadan Community Iftar this year in Cork on Saturday 4th July 2015 at 8:30pm in which Councillors and representatives of faiths will come together in the Cork Mosque. The address of the venue is : Nicholas well lane, Blarney street, Cork City. Members of the Public are welcome.

For Pictures of the event please visit the website of Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council by clicking below:

IMPIC Website report of Dublin Community Iftar 2015