Abu Dhabi Forum For Peace 2022 | Global Conflict and Universal Peace: Urgent needs and opportunities for partnerships.
Chief Imam of Islamic Centre Ireland, Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri, was invited by His Eminence Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah, one of the leading Muslim scholars today, to attend the 9th Assembly of the Forum for Promoting Peace.
The Peace Forum brought together highest levels of Muslim scholarship from across the world; including religious leaders from different faiths, academics, ministers of religious affairs, high-level government officials and world dignitaries.
The conference aims to deepen our understanding of and response to the major challenges facing humanity today: problems of security, healthcare, food, and the climate crisis.
In light of these unprecedented and urgent challenges and conflicts, the conference participants discussed the following subjects:
– Globalized Conflicts, Novel Security Challenges, and Collaborative Opportunities.
– Vital Challenges to Global Peace: Food, Healthcare, and Climate.
– Cultural Security and Digital Transformation.
– The Role of Religious Leaders in Promoting Global Peace.
– The Necessity of Partnerships in Promoting Global Peace.
– Spiritual Safety, Psychological Challenges, and International Conflict.
The Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace aspired to render this gathering as an opportunity to exchange views and experiences between various governmental and civil representatives, as well as institutions and religious leaders to support global peace, spreading the values of tolerance and joyful coexistence among people.