Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Report Community Iftar 2023

Posted on: April 15th, 2023 by shaykh No Comments


Alhamdulillah the Community Iftar held on the 15th of April 2023 at the Islamic Centre of Ireland was a huge success, with 300 guests in attendance.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the distinguished guests who accepted our invitation from a variety of different backgrounds; Cllr Tania Doyle, Cllr Punam Rane, Cllr John Walsh, Ambassador of Egypt H.E. Mohamed Sarwat, Garda Hayden, Brian Coonan, Daithí Mac an Bhaird, Ali Khan, Rev. Hodo Roche, representatives of the Christian, Buddhist and Baha’i community.

It was a delightful experience to share this Iftar meal and the spirit of Ramadan with everyone present. Breaking bread together and celebrating our differences, yet uniting with each other, is a wonderful way to promote diversity and harmony.

In fact, during this auspicious occasion, a young man was so impressed by the welcome and the message of Islam presented during this event that he embraced Islam and became a member of the Muslim Ummah during this event.

Let us use this Ramadan month to reflect, heal, and be kind to one another, regardless of our cultural, religious, and linguistic differences. May the light of Ramadan guide us towards love, peace, and unity. We wish everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, a blessed Ramadan filled with goodness and blessings.


Ramadan Youth Camp 2023

Posted on: April 2nd, 2023 by shaykh No Comments

We are excited to invite all teenage boys and girls to our Muslim youth camp during Ramadan.

Our camp will be held daily from 4pm till after Iftar, from 3rd April to 15th April 2023, and will feature three highly qualified Shuyookh who will be leading the teachings.

Our goal is to help your child enhance their understanding and comprehension of our beautiful Deen, so that they can navigate through the challenges of this era with confidence and strong Imaan.

We believe that this camp will be a great opportunity for your child to learn and grow, as well as make new friends in a safe and positive environment.

Registration is free and you can register at this link :


15th March : UN International Day to combat Islamophobia

Posted on: March 15th, 2023 by shaykh No Comments

15th March 2023: UN International Day to combat Islamophobia

By Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri
Chair, Irish Muslim Council

As the world becomes more interconnected and diverse, it’s important to recognise and combat forms of discrimination that continue to harm marginalised communities. One such form of discrimination is Islamophobia, which refers to prejudice and hostility towards Muslims. Today on March 15th, the world observes the UN International Day to combat Islamophobia, an initiative aimed at raising awareness about the impact of anti-Muslim discrimination worldwide. In Ireland, Islamophobia is a growing concern, as highlighted by Dr James Carr, a researcher at the University of Limerick, who has conducted extensive research on the rise of Islamophobia in Ireland.

According to Dr Carr, Islamophobia in Ireland is a relatively recent phenomenon, with anti-Muslim sentiment largely absent before the turn of the century. However, in the past decade, there has been a significant increase in incidents of discrimination and hate speech targeting Muslim individuals and communities. Imam Ihab Ahmed of Blarney street Mosque in Cork was physically assaulted in 2016 during Ramadan when he was waking to his car with his wife. Dr Amanullah De Sondy, senior lecturer at UCC, said in 2021 that the level of racist and islamophobic hate he is experiencing is increasing.

The ongoing housing crisis in Ireland has created a sense of anger and frustration among many people who struggle to find affordable accommodation. Unfortunately, this anger is sometimes exploited by far-right groups who scapegoat minorities, especially refugees and migrants, as the cause of the crisis. This dangerous rhetoric also fuels prejudice and discrimination such as Islamophobia, and also diverts attention from the real causes of the housing crisis and undermines efforts to find constructive solutions.

While the problem of Islamophobia is concerning, there have also been positive developments in recent years, such as the Eid celebration held in Croke Park in the past three years. The event sends a powerful message of inclusion and acceptance to Muslims throughout the country. Initiatives like the Croke Park Eid celebration are crucial in promoting understanding and challenging negative stereotypes about Muslims in Ireland. By creating opportunities for people to come together and celebrate their differences, we can help build a more inclusive and accepting society.

Education and awareness-raising initiatives are critical in promoting understanding and challenging negative attitudes towards Muslims. This includes efforts to educate the public about the diversity of Muslim communities and the contributions they make to Irish society. Many Muslim individuals and organisations in Ireland are working to promote dialogue and understanding, and initiatives such as open mosque days and interfaith events can help foster positive relationships between communities.

Politicians also have a responsibility to promote inclusion and diversity and create policies that support and empower marginalised communities. In 2018, the Irish government launched the “Migrant Integration Strategy” which aims to combat discrimination and promote integration of all migrant communities, including Muslim communities. The strategy includes a range of measures to address Islamophobia, such as providing anti-racism training to public sector workers, promoting cultural awareness and diversity, and supporting interfaith dialogue initiatives.

In conclusion, the International Day against Islamophobia is an important opportunity to raise awareness about the impact of anti-Muslim discrimination worldwide. While Ireland is not immune to the problem, initiatives like the Croke Park Eid celebration demonstrate that there is also cause for optimism. By working together to promote understanding and combat negative attitudes towards Muslims, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society for all.