“Chief Imam of Islamic Centre of Ireland signs statement of Solidarity with world religious leaders”

In these perilous days that humanity faces together, the signatories of the New Alliance of Virtue express their sympathy and solidarity with all who are afflicted by the coronavirus pandemic and praise those who are making efforts to mitigate its damage, especially the doctors, nurses, and other medical staff on the front lines. We likewise commend scientists and researchers in laboratories and universities, and we pray for their success in finding appropriate medical treatment and developing a vaccine as soon as possible.
In this extraordinary moment, we invite believers to reflect on a number of points:
First, in the face of the blows of fate, we must contemplate human fragility and seek strength and mercy from God with the hope that God may grant us success and guidance in our efforts to overcome adversity and crisis.
Second, these circumstances, despite their difficulties, renew our hope as believers in the mercy of God Almighty and in God’s kindness to his servants. This hope, which emanates from our faith in God, gives us optimism that these tribulations will pass and that humanity, with God’s mercy, will return to the worship of God and to creative, conscientious stewardship and development on earth.
Third, such calamities, remind us of the need for unity and remind us that human destiny, like that of passengers on a ship, is shared and interdependent such that there is no way to save some of us without cooperating to save all of us. Therefore, we call for collaboration between the developed and developing nations in response to the calamity.
Fourth, the way to serve and save humanity lies in doing that which is good, in love and charity, and in mutual solidarity. In these critical times, we must deepen our recognition that we as humans are part of one family sharing one home, planet earth. Our religions and this current crisis are clearly teaching us the truth of caring for the most vulnerable in our communities such as the poor, the hungry and the homeless.
Fifth, this virus, which does not recognize territorial boundaries or distinctions between races, or between the rich and the poor, is an opportunity for us to remind ourselves of human equality and to take to heart and remember the teaching of our Abrahamic religions that every soul—whoever that soul may be—represents all of humanity. Our religions oblige us to seek the safety, well-being, and protection of every soul from all forms of harm, whether they be epidemics, pandemics, oppression, or wars.
Sixth, as we are in the midst of Easter and Passover and approaching the holy month of Ramadan, we recommend following the instructions and guidance which best ensures the preservation of lives and the maintenance of the public good.
Finally, we ask God, the exalted, to lift this tribulation and resolve this crisis, and to have mercy on the people on earth. May God give us the strength to be patient and grateful, and to show compassion to one another and to cooperate in spreading goodness and piety.
List of Signatures
HE Shaykh ‘Abdallah Bin Bayyah
Chairman of the United Arab Emirates Fatwa Council & President of the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies, U.A.E.
▪ Dr. William F. Vendley
Secretary General Emiritus of Religions for Peace International, U.S.A.
▪ Dr. Bobby Gene Roberts Jr
President of GlocalNet Inc. & Founder and Global Senior Pastor of Northwood Church, U.S.A.
▪ Rabbi M. Bruce Lustig
Senior Rabbi, Washington Hebrew Congregation, U.S.A.
▪ Shaykh Hamza Hanson Yusuf
Vice President of the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies & President of Zaytuna College, U.S.A.
▪ Rabbi David Rosen
International Director of Interreligious Affairs, AJC (American Jewish Committee), U.K.
▪ Imam Mohamed Hag Magid
Executive Imam of All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center, U.S.A.
▪ Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi
Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers & Forum for Peace in Muslim Societies Trustee, U.S.A.
▪ Professor Thomas F. Farr
President of the Religious Freedom Institute, U.S.A.
▪ Dr. Kent Hill
Senior Fellow, Religious Freedom Institute, U.S.A.
▪ Rashad Hussain
Senior Counsel, Department of Justice, U.S.A.
▪ Professor Amany Lubis
Rector of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia.
▪ Dr. Aisha Al-Adawiya
Founder of Women in Islam Inc., U.S.A
▪ Marshall Jordan Breger
Professor of Law, The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, U.S.A.
▪ Rabbi Burton Lyle Visotzky
Appleman Professor of Midrash and Director of Milstein Center for Interreligious Dialogue, Jewish Theological Seminary, U.S.A.
▪ Imam Dr. Talib Muttaqee Shareef
President of Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosques, U.S.A.
▪ Shaykh Dr. Umar Al-Qadri
Chair, Irish Muslim Peace Integration Council, Ireland.
▪ Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh
Chairman, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha, U.K.
▪ Canon Andy Thompson
Senior Anglican Priest, St. Andrew’s Church, U.A.E.